Just Get Started
Treat this article as a friendly nudge to start that side-business, apply for that promotion, begin the new venture, or whatever you’ve had your heart set on. You’ve spent enough time thinking about the what-ifs. Now it’s time to plan and implement.
Have you heard of the saying, “We all start from somewhere”? This saying still applies today. We will never know how something will go until we get up and do it. This does not mean just dive in, especially if your plans include running or starting a business. What this does imply is that it’s time to take the leap and not let fear, judgment, or anything negative stand in your way.
If 2020 showed us anything, it was that life is way too short and that things can be taken from us in an instant. Use this knowledge to move forward and live life.
Let this be your reminder as we close out 2020 and bring in the new year that you are in control of your life and you deserve ultimate happiness, pure joy, and all things great!